The St. Cyril Belozero (Kirillo-Belozersky) Monastery. The Dormition Cathedral. 1497

A view of the St. Cyril Belozero Monastery
The monastery was founded near Belozero by St. Cyril of Belozero, who came to the region together with St. Ferapont from the Moscow Simonov Monastery in the early 15th century. Owing to St. Cyril’s personal charisma and intellect the monastery from the very beginning became the most important cultural and religious centre of Rus.
The St. Cyril Belozero Monastery is the largest in Europe. It occupies the area of 12 hectares. For centuries it accumulated numerous pieces of art either created here or brought over from all over Russia.

St. Cyril of Belozero with scenes from his life. Dionisy and his studio. Early 16th century
First Moscow grand princes, later tsars lavishly endowed the monastery as the most venerated place of worship. Here books were copied and illuminated, annuals compiled, and theological disputes held.
In the late 15th and 16th centuries a well-known calligrapher Efrosin, prince-monk Vassian Patrikeev, Gury Tushin worked here. By the middle of the 17th century, the richest monastery library numbered around 2000 books. Among them was the personal library of St. Cyril of Belosero, which consisted of 12 volumes that fortunately survived.
The principal cathedral of the monastery is the Assumption Cathedral that was erected by architect Prokhor of Rostov in 1497.
The ancient iconostasis, made by the most skillful masters of Rus, consisted of the Sovereign, Deesis, Feasts and Prophets tiers sitting on painted beams. Most of the icons (about 60) are extant.
The Sovereign tier contained icons ascribed to Dionisy and painters of his studio. They are St. Cyril of Belosero and St. Cyril of Belozero with scenes from his life.
Both of them are in the Russian State Museum now.
Experts know of around ten cathedrals whose walls were painted by Dionisy. Some of the painter’s works are lost for good; some have been preserved by restorers