The Gate Churches of the Epiphany and St. Ferapont. 1650
The Holy Gates that divide the two worlds: the mundane and the other, monastic, act as an entrance to the monastery. The two different in size arches are meant for everyday and festive entrances.
The Churches of the Epiphany and St. Ferapont were erected above the Holy Gates. Despite their tented construction typical of the 17th century, they stand out for their originality and picturesqueness. Together with the adjoining Treasury Chamber the Holy Gates with the gate churches form the central façade of the St. Ferapont Belozero Monastery.

The Interior of the Churches
Inside, the two churches are combined into one small rectangle stretched on the south-north axis and divided by an arch. The tents on octahedrons standing in the middle of the construction are not tied to the system of vaults. The load is transferred with the help of intricately placed weight relieving arches, a device nowhere else to be found.
During his exile in 1666-76, patriarch Nikon used the Church of the Epiphany as a home church where the service was conducted by a half-blind priest Varlaam as the former patriarch was stripped of all priestly functions.
The ensemble of the St. Ferapont Belozero Monastery monuments includes

The Gate Churches of the Epiphany and St. Ferapont over the Holy Gates
Together with the Treasury Chamber they form the main façade of the St. Ferapont Belozero Monastery

The St. Ferapont Belozero Monastery
The monastery is located in the village of Ferapontovo in Kirillov region of Vologda area
Ferapontov Monastery
Museum of Frescoes