John Chrysostomos (c. 347-407), Archbishop of Constantinople. He was born in Antioch and in his youth spent four years in the wilderness with monks and another two in solitude. In 381 he was ordained deacon. When ordained presbyter he delivered daily sermons in Constantinople in which he castigated luxury and vanity of Constantinople ladies that was taken by Empress Eudoxia as personal insult. At her urgent request he was condemned at the Church Council and exiled. Just after he left there occurred a terrible earthquake and the Empress who saw a sign of heavenly wrath in it hurried to recall the priest. John Chrysostom continued to expose public vice and in 404 was banished again to Kukuz (Armenia) and from there to Pitiunt (Pitsunda) but died on the way to Komanakh on 4 (17) September. John Chrysostom’s eight hundred and four homilies are considered classical examples of Christian oratorical art. The priest was also esteemed for interpreting Holy Writ and arranging and compiling Divine liturgy.