Theodosios the Great (c. 424-529), saint, founder of coenobitic monasticism, born in Cappadocia. In 451, he made for Jerusalem and on the way he received a blessing from St. Simeon the Stylite (the Pillar-dweller). He lived in a deserted cave for 30 years, in which, as tradition relates, the magi stayed on the way back from Bethlehem. He founded the first coenobitic monastery- lavra according the charter of Vassily the Great. His work was an example for those who wished to set up a coenobitic community, including Theodosios of Pechersk. The lavra functioned until the beginning of the 16th century when it was devastated and looted by the Turks, in 1869 it was restored. Feast day: 11 (24) January.
Antony the Great (251-356), saint, founder of hermetic life and father of monasticism. He was born in Egypt near the Thebaid wilderness. At the age of 20 he inherited his parents’ fortune and started a life of a monk first near his house, afterwards withdrew to the wilderness where he lived in complete solitude and incessant fight with demons for 20 years. Having achieved spiritual balance he started to teach people around him. He had a miracle-working gift and denounced the Arian heresy. Feast day: 17(30) January.