In the medallion (75 cm in diameter) there is a flower-leaf ornament against a grey background. The geometrical pattern is built of four circumferences of half the medallion diameter symmetrically positioned around the centre on the axes perpendicular to one another. The intersecting arcs form a “flower” in the centre. Each of the four “petals” has an inscribed yellow (ochre) “leaf” with one wavy edge: in the top petals it is the left edge; in the bottom petals it is the outside edge. The shading of the bases is brown (near the centre of the medallion). In the centre of the “flower” there are tiny bluish-grey “petals” of the background colour and different size corresponding to the cavities at the base of the “leaves”. The contours of the circles outside the “petals” are wavy with “peas” of the background in the centre. The circles retain traces of pink pigment with red (ochre) shading in the centre of the medallion. Outside the circumferences there are broad yellow (ochre) “leaves” with wavy edges facing the border of the medallion. The outline of the “leaves” at the base and their shading are brown. All the colour elements of the ornament including the wide border (3.5 cm) between the two thin ones have a white outline (white chalk ground). In the centre of the medallion there is a trace of the leg of a compass. Light green cloth folds are painted over the ornament. In the upper part of the ornament there is a niche. Condition: loss of the white outline in the upper left quarter of the medallion (22x13 cm). Complete loss of pigments in the central circles, considerable loss of the two upper broad leaves and cloth folds. Conservation: 1998, restorer O.V. Lelekova.