In the medallion (75 cm in diameter) there is a flower-leaf ornament against a light grey background. The geometrical pattern of the ornament is built of four circumstances of half the medallion diameter symmetrically positioned around its centre on perpendicular axes and a circumference of a smaller diameter with the focus in the centre of the medallion. In the centre of the medallion the intersecting light grey arcs form a “flower” with four narrow “petals” into which small yellow (ochre) “leaves” with a wavy edge (in the right half of the medallion facing upwards; in the left half – facing each other) are inscribed. The shading of the bases is brown. The curved bases of the “leaves” at the centre of the medallion a small background “flower” with two contacting “petals” on the left. In the inner and outer parts of the four circumferences there are separate elements with wavy outlines of the background; in the inner parts (with “peas” in the middle there are traces of blue pigments (azurite) on the side and bottom elements whereas in the outer parts there are traces of cinnabar. Outside the four circumferences are fan-shaped “flowers” with wavy edges, facing the medallion border. The bottom left one is yellow (ochre) with a shading by two brown strokes coming out of the oval stroke in the middle; the opposite “flower” retains traces of ochre while the bottom right has traces of azurite. All the colour elements of the ornament including the wide border (3.5 cm) between the two thin ones have a white outline (white chalk ground). In the centre of the medallion and four circumferences there are traces of the leg of a compass. Light green cloth folds are painted over the ornament. Condition: damaged white chalk ground all over the medallion; nearly complete loss of pigments except for ochre in the fan-shaped “flowers” and “leaves”; considerable loss of the cloth folds. Conservation: 1995 (?)