In the medallion (75 cm in diameter) there is a flower-leaf ornament against a black background. The geometrical pattern of the ornament is built of circular arcs of the medallion diameter with the foci on its circumference dividing it into six equal parts; the arcs from the centre of the medallion to its circumference are orientated in a clockwise direction. Each segment is halved with arcs drawn from the circumference of the medallion to the middle of the adjacent arc. Between all arcs there are twelve fan-shaped “flowers” with bent sides (in the outer sectors the bend of the short side is steeper) and wavy edges with two embedded “peas” of the background orientated in the same direction: inner ones – clockwise, outer ones – anticlockwise. The opposite “flowers” by the centre of the medallion are painted the same colour: the bottom left and top right are yellow (ochre) with dark shading at the bases by the circumference; the top left and bottom right are pink (remnants of dark pink shading), the top and the bottom ones are green (remnants on the bottom one). The “flowers” in the outer segments are painted with the same colours alternating with the adjacent ones: the bottom left and the top right retain remnants of dark pink shading; the top left and bottom right are yellow with brown shading (on the top one – traces); the side ones are green (traces). All the colour elements of the ornament including the wide border (3-3.5 cm) between the two thin ones have a white outline (white chalk ground). In the centre of the medallion and on its circumference there are traces of the leg of a compass. Condition: thin cracks and damaged white chalk ground all over the surface of the medallion; nearly complete loss of pigments in the ornament except for the yellow fan-shaped “flower” bottom right; complete loss of the cloth folds crossing the medallion. Conservation: 1999, restorer O.V.Lelekova and E.M.Christie.